Let’s start with the main research question:
- What could this typology add to the already existing typologies?
With this research questions are 3 sub questions:
- What are the positive and the negative effects of the outcome of a landscape?
- How could a flooring landscape change by using the forces applied on the floor?
- What would be a good setting to landscape the floor?
My hypothesis is:
The new typology can really add something to the already existing typologies, not in everyway but in some points it certainly will.
The new typology can really add something to the already existing typologies, not in everyway but in some points it certainly will.
After the midterm presentation the main point was that I not only had to use the program processing by running it’s script but also by trying to really make use of it, so by sculpting with it in a way I want. This could be done by creating architectural qualities. So before starting to do this I made some qualities I wanted to add in the floor. These include seating, tables and a path.

I have succeeded now to attach one column to two floors. Now I have to fine-tune the floor and export it, so I can calculate with it and make my conclusions. Of course I have to take in account the lateral forces arising from the floors, like in cathedrals where they solve this with the Buttresses.

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